The Tale of the Python

Cindi brought home an emotional support python two weeks after the tragic death of her husband.

She loved him, spoiled him, cuddled him.

Then, he cuddled her…

And ate her.

Is your Marketing Vendor a Python?

You hire a marketing firm to put your lead generation on autopilot, you need help.

Before you know it, they’re asking for more and more budget, bleeding you dry.

You can’t shake the question, “do they want more budget for my sake or theirs?”

The Most Important Incentive: Growth

You care about one thing above all, growth.

Without growth, you slide into obscurity and your employees must provide for their families elsewhere..

If your vendors don’t share your incentive AND bear responsibility for it, you run the risk of being eaten.

That’s why we at Wizard of Ads tie our fees to your growth so you don’t need to worry whether we’re your partner or a python.

Matt Willis, A Wizard of Ads Partner

Business owners come to me after realizing it is impossible to get ahead by playing “follow-the-leader”. Hedging your bets by copying the competition ensures a life of mediocrity. My team and I will give your business the voice, the strategy, and the expertise you need to earn your unfair market share.


Before You Make Your First Marketing Hire…


“Let’s Talk Marketing!” (A Video Interview with Kyle Woods)